Zebra ZD621

Zebra ZD621 4英吋 桌面 條碼 打印機 ,推動久經考驗且廣受歡迎的 GX 系列和 ZD500 打印機。不妥協。並獲得一切:一種創新的新架構,使 Zebra 不斷擴展的條碼打印機功能和軟件提供動力。日復一日的提供穩定、強大功能的卓越條碼打印機。可選的全彩LCD 觸摸屏,提供清晰簡易的菜單,增強的遠程管理功能,有 203 / 300 dpi 打印分辨率,可實現多年無憂打印。能用於交通行業、零售行業、生產、貨倉、觀光服務業 等……

Zebra ZD621d – Zebra 桌面熱敏打印機
Zebra ZD621t – Zebra 桌面熱轉印打印機
Zebra ZD621R – Zebra RFID 桌面條碼打印機
Zebra ZD621-HC – Zebra 醫療版本


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Zebra ZD621 4英吋 桌面 條碼 打印機 ,在經過市場考驗的熱銷款GX 系列打印機的基礎上更進一步。毫不妥協。獲得所有:創新的架構,為不斷擴展的打印機功能及軟件提供支持。可不斷升級的優越安全性,保護您免受網絡攻擊並保護您的敏感數據。優化的功能、通訊、介質處理選項,可在您需要時隨時添加。可選的全彩LCD 觸摸屏,提供直觀易懂的菜單。遠程管理功能更加豐富。這些特性共同實現了卓越的打印性能、長久的更佳體驗、業界先進的可靠性以及出色的智能和安全性。具備您所需的所有打印機功能,幫助您的工作流程和業務穩定發展。

  • 基於成熟熱銷產品的升級
    • 擴展了G 系列的原有功能
      • Zebra 的GX 系列打印機因其卓越的性能和質量而聞名。在選擇下一台打印機時,您可放心,下一代 Zebra ZD621打印機 將繼承您喜愛的打印機的所有功能,並在此基礎上提供更佳性能,以實現新的智能時代和先進的靈活性。
  • 一機在手,別無所求
    • 出色的打印性能
      • 選擇ZD621打印機 ,獲得長久的出色性能。它擁有業界出色的打印質量、實現靈活應用的可便攜性、更新的先進技術、現場可安裝的選項,令其在同類產品中脫穎而出。Zebra ZD621打印機 提供熱敏、熱轉印、醫療和RFID 型號,可滿足各類用例和需求。
  • 易於操作
    • 部署、使用、管理和安裝十分簡單
      • ZD621由Zebra 創新的Print DNA 軟件套件提供支持,十分易於操作。利用設置工具、安裝嚮導和仿真功能,可在各種位置輕鬆部署。直觀的用戶界面讓您無需培訓就可輕鬆使用,只需查看五個LED 圖標就可快速了解設備狀態。您可充分利用強大的遠程管理功能,以減輕IT 部門的負擔。此外,內置的安全特性可強化您的基礎架構,遠離網絡攻擊
  • 確保長久的正常運行
    • 為當前和未來的需求而設計
      • 科技在不斷進步。您的打印機也應如此。它具有創新的基礎架構,旨在為未來的打印提供強大性能。相比之下,它的性能比 ZD620 系列高 30%,比 GX 系列高近 300%。這可讓您運行更多任務,同時進行更多操作,保持安全性,並為下一步操作做好準備。
    • 向後兼容幾乎任何現有熱敏打印機
      • 將您的 條碼打印機 集成到現有的打印機組中。可使用您目前在用的標籤格式和應用。它支持 EPL 和 ZPL 打印機語言,並且可以使用Zebra 的Print DNA 工具Virtual Devices 模擬通常與其他打印機品牌關聯的語言。
    • 直觀的用戶界面
      • 醫療和 RFID 型號 標配了 4.3 英吋 的全彩LCD 觸摸屏(可選),方便您進行互動操作。易於使用的菜單提供分步設置嚮導、故障排除動畫、介質加載和校準指南,並支持單獨的打印應用程序。Zebra 觸摸屏採用專業設計並經過全面測試,其韌性和可靠性與Zebra 打印機產品組合保持一致,包括Zebra 對溫度、濕度、灰塵和其他環境挑戰的強大耐受力。
    • 按您的方式連接,實現全面通訊
      • 將你的條碼打印機連接到現有的 有線 和 無線網絡 上,或將其直接連接到各種PC。每個 ZD621均標配以太網、串行、USB 2.0 和USB 主機端口,或提供可選的雙無線模塊以及快速802.11ac Wi-Fi 和藍牙4.1。從各種Windows®、Android™ 或iOS 設備打印,使用藍牙低能耗 ( BLE ) 將您的 ZD621與Zebra 的打印機設置移動應用集成。使用提供的Print Touch 標籤(NFC),您只需在ZD621 上點擊兼容的移動設備就可實現配對和打印,以及即刻訪問Zebra 內容豐富的操作視頻知識庫。
  • 您所需的功能— 當您需要時
    • 將您的 ZD621 變為便攜式打印機
      • 使用電池選項,將您的 打印機輕鬆放置在手推車或Zebra 的可選手提箱中。現場打印,以減少麻煩、提高效率。基於高性能電池,可支持整個班次的供電需求。
    • 可移動傳感器,實現全面的介質兼容性
      •  的可移動介質傳感器讓您可使用幾乎任何介質,以便在各種用例中實現更大靈活性。
  • PRINT DNA 軟件套件,您的固有優勢
    • 安全自信打印,簡單順暢操作
      • 由我們的Link-OS 操作系統提供支持的Print DNA 軟件套件,可確保您的打印機快速安全運行。利用全面集成、可互操作的解決方案實現順暢一致的打印,讓您的打印機隨業務需求而不斷發展。
  • 集中更新、監控、故障排除
    • 利用Zebra 的 Printer Profile Manager Enterprise(屬於Print DNA),您可在各種遠程位置輕鬆地管理 、 保護聯網的打印機 並進行故障排除。在世界各種地方管理一台 條碼打印機 、一組特定 條碼打印機 或所有 條碼打印機。
  • 令人放心的卓越打印機安全性
    • 利用 Zebra 的 PrintSecure 功能(屬於Print DNA),保護您免遭網絡攻擊。利用安全連接輕鬆配置打印機、識別漏洞、阻止未經授權訪問等。
    • 了解管理打印服務 ( MPS ),更加安心放心
尺寸 熱敏:
8.7英寸(長)x 7.0英寸(寬)x 5.9英寸(高)
221毫米(長)x 177毫米(寬)x 151毫米(高)
10.5英寸(長)x 8.0英寸(寬)x 7.5英寸(高)
267毫米(長)x 202毫米(寬)x 192毫米(高)
重量 熱敏: 3.6磅/1.6千克
熱轉印: 5.5磅/2.5千克
用戶界面 4.3 英寸全彩LCD 觸摸屏(分辨率:480 寬x 272 高),帶3 個按鈕的用戶界面
分辨率 203 dpi/8點/毫米
300 dpi/12點/毫米(可選)
記憶體 512 MB閃存、256 MB SDRAM
64 MB用戶可用非易失內存
8 MB用戶可用的SDRAM
打印寬度上限 4.09英寸/104毫米(203 dpi)
4.27英寸/108毫米(300 dpi)
打印速度上限 8英寸/203毫米每秒(203 dpi)
6英寸/152毫米每秒(300 dpi)
介質傳感器 全寬度可移動反射/黑標傳感器;多位置透射/間隙傳感器
打印長度 最長:39.0英寸/991毫米
介質寬度上限 熱敏: 0.585英寸/15毫米至4.25英寸/108毫米
熱轉印: 0.585英寸/15毫米至4.65英寸/118毫米
介質捲尺寸上限 最大卷外徑:5.0英寸/127毫米
厚度 最小值:0.003 英寸(0.08 毫米);
最大值:0.0075 英寸(0.19 毫米)(僅限撕紙模式)
介質類型 捲筒紙或折疊紙、模切或連續帶有 / 不帶黑標介質、標籤或標牌紙料、連續收據紙、腕帶、無底紙介質
碳帶長度 300 米(984 英尺)
74 米(243 英尺)
碳帶寬度 1.33 英寸/33.8 毫米至4.3 英寸/109.2 毫米
碳帶卷芯 300米碳帶:1英寸/25.4毫米
工作溫度 40°F 至105°F/4.4°C 至41°C
韌體 ZBI 2.0™ —可選配強大的編程語言, 使打印機能夠運行單獨應用程序、連接到外圍設備等。
ZPL II® — Zebra編程語言提供複雜的標籤格式化和 打印機控制,並且與所有Zebra打印機兼容。
EPL2™ —具有按行執行模式的Eltron®編程語言, 既簡化了標籤格式化,又使格式與傳統應用程序兼容。
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Wifi 802.11ac Wi-Fi 和藍牙4.1(雙無線模塊)(工廠安裝或現場可安裝)
電池 為打印機供電以支持打印機按照最大打印速度完成整班操作;支持所有連接和介質處理選項
Zebra ZD621 with Cutter
Zebra ZD61 Touch LCD
Zebra ZD621 family
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Part Number

Zebra ZD621d
Part Number
ZD6A142-D0PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; Color Touch LCD, 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-D0GF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD611; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, India Cord, Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-D0PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS,JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A043-D0PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A143-D0PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; Color Touch LCD, 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-D2PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Cutter, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-D4PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Linerless with Cutter and Label Taken Sensor, APAC Cord Bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A043-D2PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Cutter, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A142-D0GL02EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD611; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, 802.11ac, BT4, All Countries Except USA, Canada and Japan, India Cord, Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-D3PF00EZ Direct Thermal Printer ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Linerless with Label Taken Sensor, APAC Cord Bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
P1080383-603 Kit, Battery for Desktop Printers, ZD410, ZD42x Series, ZD62x Series, ZD42x Cartridge
P1112640-017C Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, All countries except USA, Canada and Japan, ZD421D, ZD621D, ZD421T
P1080383-600 Kit, Base Housing for Battery, ZD42x & ZD62x Thermal Transfer, ZD42x Cartridge
P1080383-601 Kit, Base Housing for Battery, ZD42x & ZD62x Direct Thermal
P1079903-026 KIT, POWER SUPPLY, 75W, 24V, US Cord, EU Cord, GX420D, GX420T, GK888E, GK420E, GX430T, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD500, ZD500R, ZD620D, ZD620T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T, ZD621R
P1080383-234 Kit Attached Power Supply ZD420T ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD621R, ZD421C
47362 Preventative Maintenance Kit (6 Presaturated Foam Tip Swabs)
56068-001 Font Pack, Andale Japanese (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
P1112640-030 Kit, Upgrade, Cutter, ZD421D, ZD621D
56095-001 Font Pack, Andale Traditional Chinese (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
P1112640-017B Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, Japan, ZD421D, ZD621D, ZD421T
56080-001 Font Pack, Andale Simplified Chinese (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
P1080383-022 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD420C, ZD420T, ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD421C, ZD621R
105950-015 Power Cord, Euro 220V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
105850-006 USB Interface Cable, 6FT (A to B)
56050-001 Font Pack, Andale Korean (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
P1112640-031 Kit, Upgrade, Dispenser, ZD421D, ZD621D
77848 Scaleable Font Pack, Japanese HGP Gothic B (requires 64MB Flash option or 8MB PCMCIA card)
105950-030 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V UK C13 (quantity of 5)
SG-DM-CASE2-01 KIT, Accessory, Thermal Transfer Soft Carrying Case, ZD42X/ZD62X printer with battery attachment
77841 Bitmap Font Pack, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (300 dpi)
P1080383-430 Kit, Attached Power Supply, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
105934-053 Kit, Power Supply, 60W, 24V, USA Cord and EU Cord, GK420D, GK420T, GT800, ZD410D, ZD421D, ZD421T
105950-014 KIT, Power Cord, U.S. 120V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
P1080383-423 Kit, Adapter bracket to enable mounting a ZD42x/62xD in the same location as an existing GK/GX DT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX DT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xD/62xD
G105950-054 Kit Serial Interface Cable, 6FT (DB-9 to DB-9) Null Modem
G105850-007 KIT, USB Interface Cable, 10FT (A to B)
77840 Bitmap Font Pack, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (203 dpi)
P1112640-061 Kit, Platen Roller 203 dpi, ZD421D, ZD621D
P1080829 Kit, Power Cord 250 VAC, 10A, IS1293, C13, India, Set of 5
P1112640-051 Kit, Printhead 300 dpi, ZD621D
P1112640-032 Kit, Upgrade, Linerless Tear w/Sensor, ZD621D
P1112640-062 Kit, Platen Roller 300 dpi, ZD421D, ZD621D
105950-079 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 125V Japan C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-050 Kit, Printhead 203 dpi, ZD621D
77844 Scaleable Font Pack, Korean HY Gothic Hangul (requires 64MB Flash or 8MB PCMCIA card)
P1079903-033 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD410D, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
105950-080 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V Argentina C13 (quantity of 5)
77846 Scaleable Font Pack, Simplified Chinese Monotype Sung (requires 64MB Flash option or 8MB PCMCIA card)
P1112640-033 Kit, Replacement, Linerless Cutter, ZD621D
P1079903-035 KIT, Acc., Power Cord, Taiwan, 125V, ZD410D/ZD420C (set of 5)
P1079903-030 Kit, Healthcare Power Supply, 75W, 24V with US cord, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD620D, ZD620T,GK420, HC100, ZD510-HC, ZD421D, ZD421T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T
P1080383-224 Kit, Bearings for the Platen Roller (Left and Right 10 of each), ZD220D&T, ZD230D&T, ZD888D&T, ZD420D&T, ZD620D&T
105950-029 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V Australia C13 (quantity of 5)
105950-078 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V China C13 (quantity of 5)
SG-DM-CASE1-01 KIT, Accessory, Direct Thermal Soft Carrying Case, ZD42X/ZD62X printer with battery attachment
P1112640-048 Kit, Ethernet and Serial Module, ZD621D
77847 Scaleable Font Pack, Chinese Monotype Kai (requires 64MB Flash option or 8MB PCMCIA card)
P1080383-037 Kit, Adapter bracket enables mounting a ZD42xC, ZD42xT or ZD62xT in the same location as an existing GK/GX TT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX TT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xC, ZD42xT, ZD62xT
77842 Kit Font Pack, Full English, Arabic, Greek, Cyrillic, Turkish, Icelandic, East European
105850-026 KIT, Serial Port Adapter
P1080383-603 Kit, Battery for Desktop Printers, ZD410, ZD42x Series, ZD62x Series, ZD42x Cartridge
P1112640-017C Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, All countries except USA, Canada and Japan, ZD421D, ZD621D, ZD421T
P1080383-600 Kit, Base Housing for Battery, ZD42x & ZD62x Thermal Transfer, ZD42x Cartridge
P1080383-601 Kit, Base Housing for Battery, ZD42x & ZD62x Direct Thermal
P1079903-026 KIT, POWER SUPPLY, 75W, 24V, US Cord, EU Cord, GX420D, GX420T, GK888E, GK420E, GX430T, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD500, ZD500R, ZD620D, ZD620T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T, ZD621R
P1080383-234 Kit Attached Power Supply ZD420T ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD621R, ZD421C
P1112640-030 Kit, Upgrade, Cutter, ZD421D, ZD621D
P1112640-017B Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, Japan, ZD421D, ZD621D, ZD421T
P1080383-022 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD420C, ZD420T, ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD421C, ZD621R
105950-015 Power Cord, Euro 220V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
P1112640-031 Kit, Upgrade, Dispenser, ZD421D, ZD621D
105950-030 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V UK C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-014 Kit, Main Logic Board USB, USB Host, Bluetooth, Modular Connectivity Slot, ZD421D, ZD621D, ZD421T, ZD621T
P1080383-430 Kit, Attached Power Supply, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
105934-053 Kit, Power Supply, 60W, 24V, USA Cord and EU Cord, GK420D, GK420T, GT800, ZD410D, ZD421D, ZD421T
105950-014 KIT, Power Cord, U.S. 120V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
P1080383-423 Kit, Adapter bracket to enable mounting a ZD42x/62xD in the same location as an existing GK/GX DT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX DT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xD/62xD
P1080383-407 Kit, Latch Assembly, ZD420D ZD620D
P1112640-064 Kit, Linerless Platen Roller 300 dpi, ZD621D
P1112640-061 Kit, Platen Roller 203 dpi, ZD421D, ZD621D
P1112640-042 Kit, Inner Lid for models with LCD, Printhead not included, ZD621
P1080383-400 Kit, Media Window, ZD420D ZD620D
P1112640-036 Kit, Cover Assembly for Standard Models without LCD (includes Media Window), ZD621D
P1080829 Kit, Power Cord 250 VAC, 10A, IS1293, C13, India, Set of 5
P1112640-051 Kit, Printhead 300 dpi, ZD621D
P1112640-012 Kit, Lower Media Sensor, (black line sensor), ZD421D, ZD621D
P1112640-009 Kit, Upper Media Sensor (Gap Sensor), ZD421D, ZD621D
P1112640-032 Kit, Upgrade, Linerless Tear w/Sensor, ZD621D
P1112640-062 Kit, Platen Roller 300 dpi, ZD421D, ZD621D
P1112640-045 Kit, Print Mechanism 300dpi, ZD621D
105950-079 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 125V Japan C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-050 Kit, Printhead 203 dpi, ZD621D
P1112640-037 Kit, Cover Assembly for Standard Models with LCD (includes Media Window), ZD621D
P1079903-033 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD410D, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
P1079903-016 Kit, Repair, Cover Hinge, ZD410, ZD420D, ZD620D
105950-080 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V Argentina C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-047 Kit, Rear Bezel and WiFi Bezel, ZD621D
P1112640-033 Kit, Replacement, Linerless Cutter, ZD621D
P1112640-041 Kit, Inner Lid for models without LCD, Printhead not included, ZD621D
P1080383-221 Kit, Motor Assembly 203dpi & 300dpi, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD620D, ZD620T
P1079903-035 KIT, Acc., Power Cord, Taiwan, 125V, ZD410D/ZD420C (set of 5)
P1112640-040 Kit, Control Panel PCBA with LCD, ZD621D
P1079903-030 Kit, Healthcare Power Supply, 75W, 24V with US cord, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD620D, ZD620T,GK420, HC100, ZD510-HC, ZD421D, ZD421T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T
P1112640-044 Kit, Print Mechanism 203dpi, ZD621D
P1080383-224 Kit, Bearings for the Platen Roller (Left and Right 10 of each), ZD220D&T, ZD230D&T, ZD888D&T, ZD420D&T, ZD620D&T
P1112640-018 Kit, Front Bezel, Standard, ZD421D ZD621D
105950-029 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V Australia C13 (quantity of 5)
105950-078 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V China C13 (quantity of 5)
P1080383-424 Kit, Shipping Pack, ZD420D, ZD620D
P1112640-039 Kit, Control Panel PCBA without LCD. For Standard ZD621D Models, ZD621T Models and Healthcare ZD421D Models
P1112640-035 Kit, Nameplate for models with LCD, ZD621D
P1080383-021 Kit, Rubber Feet, Set of 4, ZD410D, ZD220D&T, ZD230D&T, ZD888D&T, ZD420C, ZD420D&T, ZD620D&T
P1112640-063 Kit, Linerless Platen Roller 203 dpi, ZD621D
P1112640-048 Kit, Ethernet and Serial Module, ZD621D
P1080383-037 Kit, Adapter bracket enables mounting a ZD42xC, ZD42xT or ZD62xT in the same location as an existing GK/GX TT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX TT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xC, ZD42xT, ZD62xT
P1112640-034 Kit, Nameplate for models without LCD, ZD621D
P1112640-058 Kit, Head Open Sensor, ZD421D, ZD621D

Zebra ZD621t
Part Number
ZD6A043-30PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A142-30PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A143-30PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A043-32PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Cutter, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-30PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-32PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Cutter, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A143-30PL02EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, 802.11ac, BT4, ROW, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A143-30GL02EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, 802.11ac, BT4, ROW, India Cord, Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-30GF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, India Cord, Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A043-31PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Dispenser (Peeler), APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A043-307F00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Taiwan Cord, Swiss and Traditional Chinese Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-307F00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Taiwan Cord, Swiss and Traditional Chinese Font, EZPL
ZD6A043-31GF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Dispenser (Peeler), India Cord, Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A142-30PL02EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, 802.11ac, BT4, ROW, APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A142-30GL02EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, 802.11ac, BT4, All Countries Except USA, Canada and Japan, India Cord, Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A142-31PF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, Dispenser (Peeler), APAC Cord bundle (EU, UK, AUS, JP), Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A143-30GF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 300 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, India Cord, Swiss and SimSun Font, EZPL
ZD6A142-30GF00EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621, Color Touch LCD; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, BTLE5, India Cord, Swiss Font, EZPL
ZD6A042-307L02EZ Thermal Transfer Printer (74/300M) ZD621; 203 dpi, USB, USB Host, Ethernet, Serial, 802.11ac, BT4, ROW, Taiwan Cord, Swiss and Traditional Chinese Font, EZPL
P1080383-603 Kit, Battery for Desktop Printers, ZD410, ZD42x Series, ZD62x Series, ZD42x Cartridge
P1080383-600 Kit, Base Housing for Battery, ZD42x & ZD62x Thermal Transfer, ZD42x Cartridge
P1079903-026 KIT, POWER SUPPLY, 75W, 24V, US Cord, EU Cord, GX420D, GX420T, GK888E, GK420E, GX430T, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD500, ZD500R, ZD620D, ZD620T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T, ZD621R
P1112640-233 Kit, Upgrade, Dispenser, ZD621T, ZD421C
P1112640-232 Kit, Upgrade, Cutter, ZD621T
P1080383-234 Kit Attached Power Supply ZD420T ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD621R, ZD421C
P1080383-231 Kit, Ribbon Core Adapters used to accept 1 inch diameter ribbon cores (1 Set), ZD230T, ZD888T, ZD420T ZD620T
P1080383-022 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD420C, ZD420T, ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD421C, ZD621R
105950-015 Power Cord, Euro 220V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
P1112640-239C Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, All countries except USA, Canada and Japan, ZD621T, ZD421C
P1112640-241 Kit, Printhead 300 dpi, ZD621T
105950-030 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V UK C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-014 Kit, Main Logic Board USB, USB Host, Bluetooth, Modular Connectivity Slot, ZD421D, ZD621D, ZD421T, ZD621T
P1112640-245 Kit, Front Bezel, ZD621T, ZD421C
P1080383-430 Kit, Attached Power Supply, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
105934-053 Kit, Power Supply, 60W, 24V, USA Cord and EU Cord, GK420D, GK420T, GT800, ZD410D, ZD421D, ZD421T
105950-014 KIT, Power Cord, U.S. 120V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
P1080383-423 Kit, Adapter bracket to enable mounting a ZD42x/62xD in the same location as an existing GK/GX DT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX DT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xD/62xD
P1080829 Kit, Power Cord 250 VAC, 10A, IS1293, C13, India, Set of 5
P1112640-251 Kit, Platen Roller 203 dpi, ZD621T
P1112640-238 Kit, Ethernet and Serial Module, ZD621T
P1112640-235 Kit, Print Mechanism 300dpi, ZD621T
P1080383-200 Kit, Media Window, ZD420T ZD620T
P1080383-225 Kit, Hinge and Rear Hinge Cover, ZD420T ZD620T
P1112640-207 Kit, Upper Media Sensor (moveable gap sensor), ZD421T ZD621T
P1112640-224 Kit, Cover Assembly for Standard Models with LCD (includes Media Window), ZD621T
105950-079 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 125V Japan C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-249 Kit, Shipping Pack, ZD421T, ZD621T, ZD621T-R
P1112640-222 Kit, Nameplate for models without LCD, ZD621T
P1112640-201 Kit, Hinge and Rear Hinge Cover for models with LCD, ZD621T, ZD621R
P1112640-236 Kit, Blackline Sensor, Movable, ZD621T
P1079903-033 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD410D, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
105950-080 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V Argentina C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-244 Kit, Head Open Sensor, ZD621T
P1112640-228 Kit, Control Panel PCBA with LCD, ZD621T
P1080383-221 Kit, Motor Assembly 203dpi & 300dpi, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD620D, ZD620T
P1079903-035 KIT, Acc., Power Cord, Taiwan, 125V, ZD410D/ZD420C (set of 5)
P1112640-227 Kit, Ribbon Out Sensor, ZD621T
P1079903-030 Kit, Healthcare Power Supply, 75W, 24V with US cord, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD620D, ZD620T,GK420, HC100, ZD510-HC, ZD421D, ZD421T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T
P1112640-239B Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, Japan, ZD621T, ZD421C, ZD621R
P1080383-224 Kit, Bearings for the Platen Roller (Left and Right 10 of each), ZD220D&T, ZD230D&T, ZD888D&T, ZD420D&T, ZD620D&T
P1112640-252 Kit, Platen Roller 300 dpi, ZD621T
P1112640-234 Kit, Print Mechanism 203dpi, ZD621T
105950-029 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V Australia C13 (quantity of 5)
105950-078 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V China C13 (quantity of 5)
P1112640-225 Kit, Cover Assembly for Standard Models without LCD (includes Media Window), ZD621T
P1112640-039 Kit, Control Panel PCBA without LCD. For Standard ZD621D Models, ZD621T Models and Healthcare ZD421D Models
P1112640-223 Kit, Nameplate with LCD, ZD621T
P1112640-229 Kit, Ribbon Carriage, ZD621T
P1080383-021 Kit, Rubber Feet, Set of 4, ZD410D, ZD220D&T, ZD230D&T, ZD888D&T, ZD420C, ZD420D&T, ZD620D&T
P1080383-207 Kit, Latch Assembly, ZD420T ZD620T
P1112640-237 Kit, Rear Bezel Serial and Ethernet and WiFi Bezel, ZD621T
P1112640-240 Kit, Printhead 203 dpi, ZD621T
P1080383-037 Kit, Adapter bracket enables mounting a ZD42xC, ZD42xT or ZD62xT in the same location as an existing GK/GX TT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX TT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xC, ZD42xT, ZD62xT
P1080383-603 Kit, Battery for Desktop Printers, ZD410, ZD42x Series, ZD62x Series, ZD42x Cartridge
P1080383-600 Kit, Base Housing for Battery, ZD42x & ZD62x Thermal Transfer, ZD42x Cartridge
P1079903-026 KIT, POWER SUPPLY, 75W, 24V, US Cord, EU Cord, GX420D, GX420T, GK888E, GK420E, GX430T, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD500, ZD500R, ZD620D, ZD620T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T, ZD621R
P1112640-233 Kit, Upgrade, Dispenser, ZD621T, ZD421C
P1112640-232 Kit, Upgrade, Cutter, ZD621T
P1080383-234 Kit Attached Power Supply ZD420T ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD621R, ZD421C
P1080383-231 Kit, Ribbon Core Adapters used to accept 1 inch diameter ribbon cores (1 Set), ZD230T, ZD888T, ZD420T ZD620T
47362 Preventative Maintenance Kit (6 Presaturated Foam Tip Swabs)
56068-001 Font Pack, Andale Japanese (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
56095-001 Font Pack, Andale Traditional Chinese (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
56080-001 Font Pack, Andale Simplified Chinese (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
P1080383-022 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD420C, ZD420T, ZD620T, ZD621T, ZD421C, ZD621R
105950-015 Power Cord, Euro 220V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
P1112640-239C Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, All countries except USA, Canada and Japan, ZD621T, ZD421C
P1112640-241 Kit, Printhead 300 dpi, ZD621T
105850-006 USB Interface Cable, 6FT (A to B)
56050-001 Font Pack, Andale Korean (requires 64MB Flash or 32MB PCMCIA card)
77848 Scaleable Font Pack, Japanese HGP Gothic B (requires 64MB Flash option or 8MB PCMCIA card)
105950-030 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V UK C13 (quantity of 5)
SG-DM-CASE2-01 KIT, Accessory, Thermal Transfer Soft Carrying Case, ZD42X/ZD62X printer with battery attachment
77841 Bitmap Font Pack, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (300 dpi)
P1080383-430 Kit, Attached Power Supply, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
105934-053 Kit, Power Supply, 60W, 24V, USA Cord and EU Cord, GK420D, GK420T, GT800, ZD410D, ZD421D, ZD421T
105950-014 KIT, Power Cord, U.S. 120V IEC320C13 (set of 5)
P1080383-423 Kit, Adapter bracket to enable mounting a ZD42x/62xD in the same location as an existing GK/GX DT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX DT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xD/62xD
G105950-054 Kit Serial Interface Cable, 6FT (DB-9 to DB-9) Null Modem
G105850-007 KIT, USB Interface Cable, 10FT (A to B)
77840 Bitmap Font Pack, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (203 dpi)
P1080829 Kit, Power Cord 250 VAC, 10A, IS1293, C13, India, Set of 5
P1112640-251 Kit, Platen Roller 203 dpi, ZD621T
105950-079 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 125V Japan C13 (quantity of 5)
77844 Scaleable Font Pack, Korean HY Gothic Hangul (requires 64MB Flash or 8MB PCMCIA card)
P1079903-033 Kit, Media Core Adaptors for 1.5, 2 & 3 Diameter Media Cores, (set of 2 each), ZD410D, ZD420D, ZD620D, ZD621D
105950-080 KIT, 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V Argentina C13 (quantity of 5)
77846 Scaleable Font Pack, Simplified Chinese Monotype Sung (requires 64MB Flash option or 8MB PCMCIA card)
P1079903-035 KIT, Acc., Power Cord, Taiwan, 125V, ZD410D/ZD420C (set of 5)
P1079903-030 Kit, Healthcare Power Supply, 75W, 24V with US cord, ZD410D, ZD420C, ZD420D, ZD420T, ZD620D, ZD620T,GK420, HC100, ZD510-HC, ZD421D, ZD421T, ZD421C, ZD621D, ZD621T
P1112640-239B Kit, Wireless Module, WiFi 802.11ac, MFI 3.0, Bluetooth 4.1, Japan, ZD621T, ZD421C, ZD621R
P1080383-224 Kit, Bearings for the Platen Roller (Left and Right 10 of each), ZD220D&T, ZD230D&T, ZD888D&T, ZD420D&T, ZD620D&T
P1112640-252 Kit, Platen Roller 300 dpi, ZD621T
105950-029 3-Prong Power Cord, 240V Australia C13 (quantity of 5)
105950-078 3-Prong Power Cord, 220V China C13 (quantity of 5)
SG-DM-CASE1-01 KIT, Accessory, Direct Thermal Soft Carrying Case, ZD42X/ZD62X printer with battery attachment
P1112640-240 Kit, Printhead 203 dpi, ZD621T
77847 Scaleable Font Pack, Chinese Monotype Kai (requires 64MB Flash option or 8MB PCMCIA card)
P1080383-037 Kit, Adapter bracket enables mounting a ZD42xC, ZD42xT or ZD62xT in the same location as an existing GK/GX TT is currently mounted. Allows usage of the GK/GX TT hole pattern to mount a ZD42xC, ZD42xT, ZD62xT
77842 Kit Font Pack, Full English, Arabic, Greek, Cyrillic, Turkish, Icelandic, East European
105850-026 KIT, Serial Port Adapter


Zebra ZD421 / Zebra ZD621 貼紙校正

Zebra ZD421 / ZD621 清潔打印頭 

Zebra ZD421 / ZD621 色帶更換

Zebra ZD421 / ZD621 貼紙更換

Zebra ZD421 / ZD621 不經電腦調整顏色深淺 


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